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Other Professional Services

Our book covers and interiors are top quality. We're asked regularly if we'll accept money "just this once" to publish a book. As a traditional publishing house, the money flows from us to the author - not the other way around. We also have a very selective acquisitions process. Black Lyon Publishing is not a subsidy/vanity or even a hybrid publisher. Authors do not pay for publishing services.


That said, we're responding to industry demands differently than other traditional publishers. We make our editing and layout talent available on a project-by-project basis to customers who simply need design and print services. Orders for "other services" are accepted only for projects that fall outside any of our publishing lines, such as children's books, for example.


Please also note:


  • Potential and present Black Lyon authors will in no way be referred to our design and print services because... ethics. We look at these services as separate "extras" suited to an entirely different client base.

  • We do not place our ISBN numbers or company name on any printed materials contracted and executed as a design/print service. These books/materials are not Black Lyon titles.

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PO Box 567 | Baker City, Oregon 97814

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